- A picture of your most recent haircut
- A bottle of hot sauce
- A package of Oreos
- A pair of socks
- A stick of gum
- A $5 bill
- A gift card to your favorite restaurant
- A movie ticket
- A book
- A jar of peanut butter
- A box of cereal
- A carton of eggs
- A can of soup
- A bag of chips
- Your favorite candy bar
- A pack of gum
- A bottle of water
- An energy drink
- A granola bar
- A flashlight
- A pocket knife
- A map
- A compass
- A first aid kit
- A multi-tool
- A rubber chicken
- A whistle
- Duct tape
- A deck of cards
- A set of dice
- A book of jokes
- A whoopee cushion
- Your favorite meme recently
- A can of silly string
- Confetti
- Balloons
- A sign that says “Caution: Wet Floor”
- A “Do Not Disturb” sign
- A “Baby on Board” sign
- A life jacket
- A fire extinguisher
- An inflatable raft
- A functioning parachute
- A set of jumper cables
- A tire jack
- A spare tire
- A case of motor oil
- A jug of windshield washer fluid
- A bag of kitty litter
- A box of band-aids
- A bottle of sunscreen
How to Come Up With Funny Things to AirDrop
Firstly, think about your general audience and what would make them laugh. If you are close to your friends, then inside jokes are always a good idea. Also, try to be creative with the things you choose to airdrop. The more random and unexpected, the better. And lastly, don’t take yourself too seriously! Just have fun with it and enjoy coming up with funny things to airdrop. If you plan on airdropping to strangers, then try to be a little bit more careful. You don’t want to come across as creepy or make anyone feel uncomfortable. Just use your best judgement and err on the side of caution. Likewise, if you are in the classroom or at work, then you’ll want to be a little bit more mindful of what you airdrop. Inappropriate content can get you into trouble, so just use your best judgement and be respectful.
Add Commentary to the Picture You’re Airdropping
Once you’ve decided what you’re going to airdrop, try to add a bit of commentary to the picture. This will make it that much funnier and more entertaining. For example, if you’re airdropping a can of soup, you could write something like “I’m thinking about you” or “Soup’s on!” on the can. Just have fun with it and be creative! Whatever you do, just make sure you’re not being too offensive or over-the-top. You don’t want to ruin your friendships or get yourself into trouble. Just use your best judgement and have a great time!
Look for Inspiration in Everyday Things
If you’re struggling to come up with ideas, then just look for inspiration in everyday things. For example, if you see a funny sign, take a picture of it and airdrop it to your friends. Or, if you hear a hilarious joke, write it down and airdrop it to your group chat. You can even airdrop things like funny GIFs or memes. Just get creative and have fun with it! And if all else fails, you can always just airdrop a picture of your dog doing something unusual. For example, I caught my dog “smiling” and showing teeth the other day and AirDropped it at people in the puppy daycare. Pretty much everyone loves dogs, so that’s sure to get a laugh!
If in Doubt, Test the Idea on Friends
If you want to sense-check something you’ve come up with to airdrop, just ask your friends if they think it is a good idea. If they all start laughing, then you know you’re on the right track! However, if they start to look uncomfortable or express concern, then maybe rethink your idea. At the end of the day, you want everyone to have a good time—so just use your best judgement.
Airdropping Can Be Intrusive and Inappropriate
Especially if you are airdropping strangers, be mindful that it can be considered intrusive. If you are unsure, it is always best to ask for permission before airdropping someone. For example, if you want to airdrop a picture of your cat to the person in front of you, you could say something like, “Hey, do you mind if I airdrop you a picture of my cat? She’s really cute!” Most people will probably say yes, but it’s always best to be respectful and ask first. That being said, airdropping can also be a great way to break the ice and make new friends. So if you’re feeling bold, go ahead and airdrop away!
Be Creative With Your Airdrops
And lastly, just have fun with it and be creative! There are no rules when it comes to airdropping, so feel free to get creative and experiment. You never know—you might just come up with the next big thing. So there you have it—50 funny things to airdrop! Just remember to be respectful and use your best judgement. And most importantly, have fun! This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. © 2022 Elin Beck