On Facebook, the use of interactive content can be applied in various ways. It is also important to establish your objective first. This way, it’ll be easier to figure out which type of interactive content would be most suited for your page. Do you wish to get more user feedback? Are you aiming to increase your post likes and shares? If you are out of ideas on what type of interactive posts to share, the list below features some interactive Facebook posts that will definitely help keep your users active and engaged. Not only that, these types of posts are also good at attracting new people who are interested in the type of service or product that your brand offers.

Interactive Facebook Posts Ideas That Will Get You the Likes, Comments & Shares

Ask Questions

Asking questions is not only a good way to get user feedback but is also a surefire way to get people to comment on your posts. Be creative when asking questions. Use colorful graphics that will certainly attract people’s attention.

Get Insights

Getting insights is similar to asking questions but instead of expecting users to comment with definitive answers, ask them to provide answers from their own perspective. Having this in mind, asking for insights is particularly effective especially if your posts are related to a particular service or brand.

Do Polls Using Reactions

Asking polls is also one good way to get your users engaged. Since you can’t directly use a poll tool when posting, you can ask users to provide their poll answers via reactions. Another interesting way to do it is by doing a live poll reaction session. The good thing about this is there’s actually a poll tool for live videos so there’s no need to use any third-party application.

Guessing Games

Posts that encourage your followers to guess about a certain topic or object is a good way to keep them engaged and at the same time, entertained. For example, you can post a certain picture and then you ask your followers to guess what it is. You can also do a live guessing game. Just keep in mind to keep your guessing games relevant to what your page is all about.

Fill in the blanks

Similar to guessing games, you can post fill in the blank questions where people can post their answers as comments. Just make sure to keep it relevant to what your product or brand is all about. It is also good if you can provide them a certain reward if they are able to provide the correct answer. The reward doesn’t need to be grand. If your page sells products, you can give them a discount voucher or a free access to premium content.

Funny Videos and Images

Funny videos and images are everywhere on Facebook and people love these types of content. Post funny videos and images on your page but also keep it relevant to your brand. Be creative. The funny images and videos should leave a certain impact on your followers. If you succeed on this, it’d be easier to get your posts noticed.

Tear-Jerking Photos and Videos

In general, posts that leave a strong impact on users usually perform better. One of the best ways to leave a strong impact on users is to appeal to their emotions. Have you ever seen those ads where you often feel as if you’re on the verge of tears after watching? When done right, it’s those types of content that typically leaves a lasting impression and will certainly gather a lot of shares and reactions.

Sharing images with quotes that include your brand logo is another good way to increase your reach. People love sharing quotes on Facebook. As you may have observed, you will often find these types of posts on your feed. The key here is to create your own graphics with your logo and branding. Share quotes that reflect what your page or brand is all about.

Trends make a great avenue for increasing reach and user engagement. Whatever it is that is currently making buzz around social media, you can make use of it to have more people notice your brand, products and services. Use your creative content marketing skills to come up with engaging posts that revolve around it. Just make sure that even though you are capitalizing on a certain trend, the content of your post should still be relevant to what you are offering. For example, if the latest trend is funny video of a cat dancing and your business is all about selling shoes, then you can create content that features memes or image clips of that same cat dancing but this time, wearing one of your best-selling shoes! Don’t forget to include a witty caption in it too! All the interactive Facebook posts listed above are sure to help increase your page reach and brand authority. Of course, there are still a lot more you can do as long as you think creatively. Compared to static posts, interactive content offers the repeat value and also serves as a two-way avenue for you to connect with people. Interactive posts do require constant analysis as well as continuity. Try to experiment with these types of posts and see what works best for your page. This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. © 2021 Kent Peligrino

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